

Welcome to my blog. I document all the things that help keep my sanity as a stay at home mom to a “difficult” baby.

Music- Four Months

Music- Four Months

Harris absolutely loves music. If you haven’t been playing music for your baby, I highly recommend it. It can be so soothing for your baby to hear songs he knows. Just like with us, when Harris hears a song that is familiar, he perks up and listens. When we play these albums in the car, he is instantly distracted from whatever is bothering him and causing him to fuss. So I play these two albums in the car, when he is in the pack n play and getting antsy while I am trying to complete a chore, if we are on a walk and he is hating his stroller all of a sudden, etc.


Super Simple Songs: Baby Shark and More Kids Songs is our number one go to album. The tracks include Baby Shark, How Many Fingers, Five Little Ducks, The Muffin Man, Hickory Dickory Dock, and so many others. The formula is exactly as it states: super simple. Basically, in almost every song, there is counting and repetition. So I feel good about Harris hearing those numbers over and over. There is also simple subtraction or addition. And in Apples and Bananas, there are fun vowels shifts, so he starts to understand language a bit more. I don’t know if he is actually processing any of that, but it sure makes me feel good about him listening :-) I can’t recommend this album enough. So, so, good. The only con is that these songs stay. in. your. head. for a long time!


This album is our second favorite for sure. The Kiboomers do an acoustic album with children singing choruses. The songs are mostly spelling songs and are super happy (they aren’t kidding when they titled it Happy Baby Songs). Harris gets interested in these, although not as interested as in the Super Simple Songs because the acoustic doesn’t keep his attention as long as the more electric sounds. However, I use this album a lot when I feel Harris has been overstimulated and needs a calm down. If I’m not careful, he will fall right to sleep with these, so I try to avoid them in the car (I avoid car naps as much as I can).

So that’s it for now! Definitely check these two out. You can order them on Prime, but you can also get them on AppleRadio and Google Play. Have fun!

Our Favorite Books- 4-5 Months

Our Favorite Books- 4-5 Months

