Good Morning Magnolia

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DIY Mobile

I got this idea from an activity I found in Retro Baby. In that activity, you were to find silk scarves around your house and let your baby play with them. Harris likes to play with things, but what he really loves is to reach and grab for things. So I combined the two and made this fun mobile. He absolutely loves it, and it was exciting for me to make something from scratch that he plays with!

What You Need:

Silk Scarves: I bought these on Amazon because I didn’t have any of my own. These come in lots of bold colors with distinct patterns that are great for babies whose eyesight is still developing. You could also use any scarves or even dish cloths you have at home. Just know he will be putting them in his mouth, so make sure its clean

Ribbons: This is optional. I got these on Amazon knowing I would use ribbon again. These are great and come in lots of colors and patterns.

String: Any string will do. I picked up these because I liked the colors.

A Hanger: I used our velvet hanger for a softer material, but any hanger would work.


What You Do:

This is the fun part! Craft this any way you would like. For mine, I used three scarves and five ribbons. I picked colors that match and patterns that I felt blended well together. I also picked colors I know are his favorites right now, like blue, red, black, and white. If you like styling outfits, have fun with this! Use the scissors to make holes in the ribbon and scarves and use the string to tie them individually to the hanger. I poked two holes in some of the scarves to give a variety of height, and I cut the ribbons at different lengths as well.

How to Play:

I stand over Harris while he lays down on a mat or carpet. I do a few things with it:

  1. Hold it up high enough that he has to reach and grasp for it. I move it in a circle and back and forth while he tries to grab it.

  2. Work on his visual tracking by putting it in his front vision and moving it slowly from side to side and front and back. If he takes his eyes off it, simply bring it back to the center until he focuses on it again.

  3. Let him explore his sense of touch by bringing it to his chest and face. He will grab for it, so let him play with the scarves and ribbons in his hand while you hold the hanger. I let him put it in his mouth too, but if you aren’t comfortable with that, just make sure he doesn’t bring it to his mouth.

I don’t trust Harris with the hanger, so I never let him play with this in his own hands. I always hold the curved part of the hanger while he just plays with the scarves. I find this mobile more interactive and engaging than simply giving him a silk scarf to play with. I sing songs and praise him when he reaches for the scarves and when he grabs the scarves. I also praise him for visual tracking. You can also change out the scarves and ribbon every once in a while to keep it fresh!

Have fun!